E1 Norway Lønsstua - Storlien

Ic.22    Section Mosvatnet - Sivertgården 28 km

The rain had stopped when I started hiking early in the morning. The nearby creek carried much more water than when I had arrived at the hut yesterday. I just about managed crossing it without getting out off my boots. Safely being on the other side I followed it for a while upstream until crossing a low ridge towards Lake Brundreinvatnet. Later back in the forest I crossed River Raudvasselva on a bridge before arriving at a paved main road passing by an empty building. Here I took cover from a short shower before moving on following the shore of Lake Krutvatnet. Here I arrived at a vacation home colony. At road's end I met a homeowner working on his house. We talked a bit and I learned that next to his house used to be a bigger hostel in former times when people walked or road their horse. Passing this house was the old trail crossing over from Sweden to the Norwegian coast. His house was the former warden's home and he was in the process of enlarging it. From here it was a board walk through the colony unti I arrived at a shelter from statens skog (Norwegian Forest Service) named Krutvatnet Fisketjönna. Here I stopped for lunch.

Soon after the shelter the board walk ended and the trail left Lake Krutvatnet and went up onto another fjell. The later part is named Greipfjellet. Towards evening the clouds started giving way for the sun to peak through. On the way down I crossed two major power lines. The trail became wet as I entered an open forest interlaced with wet meadows and some bogs. Almost arriving at River Raudvasselva I met a troop of five boy scouts hiking in the opposite direction. They were getting back into their boots after having waded through the river. Following an information exchange I came up at the river. My boots were completely wet. I felt some more water in the boots would not make them that much wetter. So I waded through and soon got onto the road. After many kilometers of road walk and having passed the turn off for the Nordlandruta I arrived at Sivertgården. This active farm had converted an old farm building into a hostel. The owner told me he had taken down the house completely and rebuild it with as much as possible old timber. I asked whether they would have some food for sale and to my surprise I got bread, butter and cheese. It really filled me up for a good night's sleep.

Fast running creek near Lake Sarvanjaevri


Nice Nordlandsruta trail near crossing of River Raudvasselva

E1 an der Raudvasselva

Reindeer herd near Nordlandsruta trail on Bukksvassaven


Lake Fiskløysvatnet with Mountain Austerklumpen in back ground


Soaking wet E1 trail short of Lake Famvatnet

Nasser E1

Sunset at Sivertgården across Lake Famvatnet

Sonnenuntergang Sivertgården


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Last updated on 15.12.2022