E1 Denmark     Grenaa - Flensburg

IIIa.12    Section Kliplev - Flensburg  25 km






Flensburg                       25 km

I had planned to be home tonight. Subsequently I had planned to make less kilometres today. After having spent again the night as only guest at the hostel I started upon letting a short but heavy shower pass by. And soon I had to walk through tall grass along the rail road tracks. Of course this meant soaking wet boots again. At Bjerndrup I could avoid the next shower by taking cover at a bus stop. Until Gejla I had to walk through tall grass again. From Gejla on I walked within earshot of the highway in direction of Padborg. Upon crossing the motorway the path let me through Bov to the border at Niehuus. This border crossing is closed for motorised traffic. The path has been restored to an old cobble stone road on the German side. From shortly after the border the path is named Ochsenweg (Ox path). On to Flensburg and along the Flensburg Fjord I went to the railway station. Now I have finished the Danish part of the E1.

I found cover from a short but heavy shower at this site

Danish - German border between Bov and Niehuus

Several markings at cobble stone section of Haervejen shortly after crossing the border

Well house at in Niehuus adjacent to E1 / Ox path

City gate of Flensburg


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Last updated on 01.12.2022