E1 Italy Cittaducale - Passo del Bocco

VIb.20    Section Monte Giogo di Villore - Casaglia    25km

Whenever I woke up over night I could hear the rain. And of course it was still raining when I left the shelter. I was still in the clouds. The trail continued along the ridge line and was partly slippery and full of puddles. I had to take special care where it became rocky. Just past mountain Poggio al Tiglio the trail became a red one on my map. And it declined in quality as far as I could see. I decided to follow a gravel road that runs paralell to E1. Once I got a lot lower I came out of the clouds. Here it had become dry by now. The supposed to be tiny creeks where running high. The first two creek crossings where possible without getting water into my boots. The final one just outside of Crespino del Lamone was by far too deep and fust running. I had to get across to continue the hike.

My solution was to use the railroad tracks. The line crossed the river with a high above bridge. I had to get up to the dam. It was quite a climb through blackberries up the steep slope. Then I followed the tracks thereby carefully staying away as far as possible. Then the line crossed the road and shortly after the bridge it went into a tunnel. To get off the dam I had to cross a fence, walk through a garden and coming out on the other side by a house. Quickly I walked down to the road to be off the private ground.

The hamlet of Crespino del Lamone was supposed to have a bar and a B&B. I found the bar. Well, it was closed permanently. All that remained was the outside sign and a bit of furniture inside. The B&B did not answer the door bell but had oputside a big sign with phone numbers. I rang the phone off the wall but noone answered. By chance the mailman came by. I asked him whether he knew anything about this place. He was very helpfull and inquired about it from a few locals. The outcome was that the place was closed; and that probably permanently. By now it had started raining again.

The guidebook said there is a place in Casaglia with the local coop. I walked the road to Casaglia and went to the coop store. It was nice to be warm indoors again. A hot tea and some cake made me much happier again. Here I asked whether there is a place in village to stay for the night. After some phoning around a lady came by and took me to an appartment which I accepted immediately. In addition I was invited by her to come by later for dinner. What a treatment. A dry and warm place, shower and a meal. Thank you so much.

Morning view from the emergency shelter


Wet trail in the rain

wet trail

Salamander on the wet trail


Partly flooded trail on the way to Crespino del Laimone

flooded trail

Trail completely flooded just outside of Crespino del Laimone



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Last updated on 20.11.2023