E1 Sweden     Varberg - Granvik

IIc.14    Section Hjo -Röåsjön   30 km


Mullsjön                    4 km


Röåsjön                   26 km

First thing in the morning I went to the bakery and had an extensive breakfast. And why should it have been different today's walk started in the rain. Luckily soon the sun came out and it turned into a nice day. I had to walk back to Lake Mullsjön and then along its eastern shore passing through a summer cabin colony. All the houses are on the shore side of the road and the toilets are on the other side away from the lake. At the northern end of the lake the path turned out to be interesting. The path markings continue to be very good, but there is no path. I had to make my own path through hip high grass und bushes. And this was in a rather wet area. Finally it was done and I reached country road 194. Now the path became normal again and for lunch I arrived at the shelter Skarpås. The rest of today's path was mostly along forest roads and this mostly without any motorised traffic. The shelter at Lake Röåsjön was reached in the evening.

Old wooden houses in Hjo

River Hjoå after the rain

Near Lake Mullsjön there are markings but no path

E1 follows an old field border wall

Wooden shed near E1


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Last updated on 09.12.2022