Norge på langs

34     Section Stranddalen Turisthytte - Storsteinen 30 km

Stranddalen Turisthytte

Øvre Moen                              4.7 km

Storsteinen                           25.0 km


The first part down to the parking lot at Øvre Moen should have been an easy hike. Many visitors to Stranddalen follow this trail. However it turned out to take a lot more time. The trail was partly in a bad shape and rocky. This included rock climbing. I only arrived past midday at the parking lot. I stopped here for lunch and enjoyed my lunch package that I had prepared in the morning. So, no cooking today. From here on I followed the road up to the dam Oddatjørndammen. Walking the road included passing through two road tunnels. The first tunnel went steeply uphill and had a sharp bend. Of course there was no lighting. I used the flashlight of my phone to find my way and not to be run over by a car putting it into my face thereby showing drivers that I was there. I made it. Before hiking into the second tunnel I tried to hitch through. I was lucky and got a ride. The paved road was closed just beyond the end of the tunnel.


From here I followed the paved road along Lake Blåsjø. The water level was far below what it normally should be. The electricity works had generated too much power and it had not rained as much as they had calculated. Until last year the road I hiked was still open for motorized traffic. For evironmental reasons it was closed. Some parts where important for migrating reindeer. Along the road I met some cyclists. It turned out that I had hiked for a short bit with one of them four years ago. Along the lake I met no hiker. Towards evening I arrived at the other end of the lake at Storevassdammen. This is an enormous rock dam. With the low water level it looked even more so. At the foot of the dam I left the road and walked to Lake Djupatjønn. Ariving at the lake I took a side trip to DNT Storsteinen. This trail is along the slope of Mountain Djupatjønnuten. It was slow going. I was the only one staying at the hut.

The trail from Stranddalen to Øvre Moen


Downhill to Øvre Moen


Very low water level at Lake Blåsjø

Lake Blåsjø

Lake Djupatjønn in the evening


Late dinner at DNT Storsteinen

dinner at Storsteinen

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Last updated on 04.03.2023