E1 Switzerland  Lugano - Constance

V.9    Section Pfäffikon - Fischingen 36,5 km


Rapperswil                       6,0 km

Hörnli                            26,5 km

Fischingen                       4,0 km

Besides me a group of kids from nearby Pfäffikon staid for the night. The kids staid in straw and I on my own with mattresses. Here I did not want to miss the farm house breakfast. Breakfast was served outside for all guests. Then I continued towards Lake Constance. Today hardly any ascents were to be expected. First I walked into Pfäffikon. The farmhouse is on the outskirts of town. From here I had to cross Lake Zurich; at first along paved walks and then across a very long wooden bridge. In Rapperswil at the other bank I crossed the old town centre and bought some food. All day long the weather changed between sunshine and clouds.


Today I encountered goats with bells again. Every time it is a surprising sight. Here I met several pilgrims who were going from Lake Constance to Einsiedeln. Towards evening there was one strong climb up to mountain Hörnli. The guesthouse at the top was closed. The innkeeper had placed outside a box with various bottles with cold drinks; and of course a cashier. This isolated peak allowed for great views. No sooner had I reached the top it went down on the other side. A farmer allowed me to stay for the night on his recently moved meadow. Very nice. During the night I heard planes from not too far away Zurich as well as cowbells. It seems the cows were active during the night.


Lake Zurich


Wooden pedestrian bridge across Lake Zurich to Rapperswil

Zürichsee und Rapperswil

Village at E1.

Dorf am E1

Goats with "cow" bells.

Ziegen mit Kuhglocken

Mountain restaurant Hörnli.


Firewood stacks along E1 for next winter.


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