E1 Denmark     Grenaa - Flensburg

IIIa.1    Section Grenaa - Rugård   16 km


Rugård            16 km

After a long train ride with three transfers and longer stops I arrived at Grenaa in early afternoon. To reach the E1 I had to walk from the train station to the ferry port along river Grenaa Å. From here the path follows the coast line in southerly direction, sometimes on the beach, sometimes passing through dunes. After a while the markings stop and it continues along waters edge. Slowly the beach changes from sand to gravel. Here walking becomes more difficult. The camp ground at Rugård was reached in the evening.

Grenaa ferry port. Ferry from Swedish section of E1 arrives here.

First Danish marking in dunes of Grenaa

Baltic Sea beach south of Grenaa


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Last updated on 01.12.2022