E1 Denmark     Grenaa - Flensburg

IIIa.4    Section Århus - Skanderborg  28 km


Stavtrup                            7 km

Ormslev Stationsby             5 km

Harlev Mølle                       3 km

Jeskendale                         2 km

Illerup Ådal                         6 km

Skanderborg                       5 km

The drizzling rain had stopped by the time I left Århus and I started walking along the Århus Å. Soon I arrived at Lake Brabrand. At its southern shore I finally arrived at non paved path. The path follows the bank of Århus Å soon after Harlev Mølle. Then valley Jeksendalen is reached. Here the path is partially made with sea shells. Here starts a different path; it goes up and down as if to show that Denmark is not flat only. Passing the village of Jesken it becomes more level again. Shortly there after I reached the outskirts of Skanderborg. The path markings stop until leaving Skanderborg at the other end. Passing through an industrial area I reached Lake Skanderborg. Continuing through the centre of Skanderborg with many shops I went through a forest to the local youth hostel. Due to a local music festival it was solidly booked. I could set up my tent at the lake shore.

Description of path Vandreruten Aarhus - Silkeborg

Former Brugsen in Ornslev

E1 follows river Illerup Å for a short while

Houses of youth hostel Skanderborg located near a lake


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Last updated on 01.12.2022