E1 Denmark     Grenaa - Flensburg

IIIa.5    Section Skanderborg - Svejbæk / Slåen Sø   29 km


Emborg                           10 km

Ry                                   8 km

Himmelbjerget                    6 km

Svejbæk / Slåen Sø            5 km

As the music festival finished early I had a quiet night under my tarp and a nice breakfast at the youth hostel in the morning. I continued in direction of Silkeborg. At Lake Mossø I arrived at a summer house area. One of the houses war transferred to an exhibition of the cultural history of the area and a picnic place. Shortly after Alken the paved part ended and the path follows the lake shore until reaching the ruins of the monastery of Øm. Visiting it did not seem worth the money. From here on the path went through forests. Before reaching Ry I hat lunch at a quiet picnic site. It was followed by a side trip to Ry and it's wharf. From here excursion boats travel to Silkeborg. Soon Denmark wanted to show it is not only flat. Up and down it went to a camp ground at Svejbæk on Lake Slåen Sø.

View of Lake Mossø

Ruins of monastery Øm

Ry harbour with excursion boats to Lake Julsø and Silkeborg

Excursion boat near the camp ground


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Last updated on 01.12.2022