E1 Norway Umbukta - Abisko

Ib.9    Section Sulitjelma - Sorjushytta   31 km

The store in town opened rather late giving me time to take it slow in the morning. The paved road took me down to Lake Langvatnet. Along the water front I passed by several buildings of the former ore mines. Then I bought my supplies for the next stretch into Sweden. Unfortunately they don't carry any freeze dried food and no denatured alcohol for cooking. Apparently food stores are not allowed to sell denatured alcohol since a couple of years in Norway. Sufficiently supplied I hiked up the gravel road to DNT-hut Ny-Sulitjelma Fjellstue. With the sun shining into the valley it was rather warm. From the hut I continued along the gravel road which gained elevation with a number of switch backs. Along the steep slope I had to cross a snow field that was blocking the road. I had to be very careful not to slip. Up here it started to become windy. Behind a small building from the water works to took cover from the wind for an early lunch. From here on I continued across trails and scree fields thereby following the markings. Now clouds started moving in. They partly blocked the view of Glacier Sulithelmaisen. Here I met two hikers who had come from Sweden. We exchanged information about the trails ahead.

Across snow fields, scree and a creek I had to wade through in my Crocks it went downhill towards Lake Bajep Sårjåsjávrre. Shortly before arriving at the Shelter Sorjushytta which is on my side of a river I had to cross it. There was a bridge. Unfortunately the river carried so much water that I could reach the bridge on both sides only wading with my Crocks. The water was due to the snow fields on both sides very, very cold. Having arrived safely on the other side I got back into my boots and continued across snow and scree to the next bridge. Luckily this bridge could be used without getting into the river again. Finally in late evening I arrived at the hut.

Field of flowers along the road in Sulitjelma


Waterfall along ascent from Shelter Ny-Sulitjelma Fjellstue


Slowly clouds of the forecasted rain and thunderstorm are moving in

Wolken kommen

Mountain top with part of Glacier Sulitjelmaisen is already in the clouds


I forded the river coming down from Mountain Sårjåstjåhkkå between these snow fields


Normally this river coming from Mountain Sårjåstjåhkkå can be crossed on the bridge

Brücke im Wasser


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Last updated on 13.12.2022