E1 Norway Umbukta - Abisko

Ib.17    Section Nikkaluokta - Kiruna  

Following a quiet night I packed my back pack for the last time and had breakfast at the hostels restaurant. Here I booked my bus ticket to Kiruna online. Due to corona the bus had to be booked in advance. Paying the driver was not possible and there is only one ride per day.

In Kiruna I went to the hostel where I got a room straight away. I booked my flight back to Hamburg for the next day. Following an extensive breakfast I took the airport bus and flew via Stockholm and Frankfurt back home.

End of the last gap of E1 in the Arctic and this years hiking


View out of bus on the way to Kiruna


Art in Kiruna


One of the types of rockets starting near Kiruna


View of mine dump of iron ore mine in Kiruna

Mine Kiruna

The huge mine dump can be seen from across the whole town Kiruna



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Last updated on 13.12.2022