E1 Norway Umbukta - Abisko

Ib.16    Section Singi Fjellstuga - Nikkaluokta   33 km

Today was to be the last hiking day in Sweden. As always I was up very early and left the hut well fed while others where just getting up. The Kungsleden continued to be rather rocky. The wind picked up and got rather strong; but it staid dry. After a while the trail entered a slowly getting narrower gorge. Here the storm became so strong I had to be carefully not to be blown over. Then it became very wide again. Soon I could see groups of hikers. They either came or where on their way to Mountain Kebnekaise. The mountain tops were hidden in the clouds. The last part short of the STF-Mountain Station Kebnekaise Kungleden and the trail up to the mountain ran together.

At the Mountain Station I had a nice warm three course lunch which was a nice change from freeze dried food. There is a helicopter landing pad for people who don't want to hike to the Mountain Station. Now the trail became better. It started off with board walks. Then I arrived at Lake Ladtjojaure. There is a regular boat service across the lake saving some kilometers hiking. Upon arriving at the eastern shore I had another six kilometers of hiking a flat and white trail to Nikkaluokta ahead of me. There I set up my tarp for the night.

Very rocky Kungsleden

steiniger Kungsleden

Mountain Kebnekaise in the clouds


STF Mountain Station Kebnekaise

STF Kebnekaise

View back of Mountain Kebnekaise, highest mountain in Sweden


Fast boat ride across Lake Lodtjojaure along the last kilometers to Nikkaluokta


Start / End of Kungsleden in Nikkaluokta



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Last updated on 13.12.2022