E1 Norway Storlien - Lønsstua

Ic.7    Section Gaunsela - Holden 19 km

Starting in the morning I continued following the 4wheel drive tracks. At wet sections the track was enhanced by plastic boards. When the tracks veered off too far to the right I had to go cross country again. Before reaching Gaundalen I found a hand written sign indicating a bridge crossing River Heinåa. As this was a very dry summer I did not need the bridge and just walked across the river. Soon I arrived at the farm Gaundalen. Besides being an active farm they have a bunk house. At the main house I was greeted by the owner's brother and a daughter and friend. The farmer had gone to Sweden for shopping. I was invited into the house for cold water and a piece of freshly smoked trout. They refilled my water bottles and we parted company. They went off fishing and I continued along E1.

From here to Holden there is but for the start hardly any trail but I got very simple directions. Just follow the old power line. It is a straight line across Heggsöfjellet. It was another hot sunny day without any trees across the fjell. I got a little bit of shade behind one of the power line posts while having lunch. Later from up on the fjell I could see Holden quite some time before getting there. Coming down towards Lake Holderen I was back in the trees again. Crossing River Kvernelva there is a really necessary bridge. Before getting to Holden a few drops of rain came down. Once I was there it started raining with a thunderstorm. It was nice and warm inside the fjellgård. Here DNT has a food store. I got dinner, next morning's breakfast as well as some provisions for the next few days. Holden used to be an active farm too; but no longer. The former farm buildings are rented out and one of them is the DNT shelter.

Hiking through birch and pine forest

Mischwald am E1

Easy crossing the River Heinåa in dry 2018

Creek crossing

View of working farm Gaundalen


From Gaundalen the E1 follows this former power line all the way to Holden

Weg entlang Strommasten

Just short of Holden Fjellgård this River Kvernelva is crossed on a bridge

River crossed on bridge

Outside Holden Fjellgård with view across Lake Holderen



© 2018 by Hamburger

Last updated on 15.12.2022