E1 Sweden from Sälen to Storlien

IIa.1    Section Sälen - Björnholmsstugan 14 km

Friday evening I boarded the bus from Rucksackreisen to take me to Sweden. Twice we crossed the Baltic Sea on a ferry before reaching my goal next day around lunch time. North of Sälen I got off the bus at a road leading to Norway. I had to follow this road for eight km until arriving at the start of Southern Kungsleden. I was lucky and soon had a ride to save me from having to walk the paved road. I had seen the sun rising not too long after midnight from the bus. It became a sunny day and really warm. The first day I wanted to hike to Björnholmsstuga. It is next to E1 inside the national park. Once I left the road and started hiking I met no one. Overnight I was at the shelter on my own too.

Baltic Sea sunset from ferry to Denmark


My start of Southern Kungsleden

südl. Kungsledenzeichen



View of country side from Kungsleden

weiter Blick

The red crosses are winter trail markings of Kungsleden

Wintermarkierung Kungsleden

Start of Fulufjällets NP

Start Fulufjällets NP


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Last updated on 13.12.2022