E1 Sweden from Granvik to Sälen

IIb.2    Section Kölnavattnet - Kråksjön 29 km


Tivetstorp                    4 km

Gramon                     14 km

Kråksjön                    12 km

Following a peaceful night I moved on to Tivedstorp. This village is well preserved and was originally founded by Finnish immigrants. There is a hostel located. I replenished my water. The village is nice to look at. During the whole day I met five other hikers. I had lunch at the shelter at Gråmon. The path partly follows forest roads and is partly a separate hiking only trail. It is always well marked and to get lost one has to behave rather stupid. Now the path runs for a while jointly with the Monksleden (Monks Trail). In the middle ages this was a trail connecting two monasteries.

There are information boards at places of interest along the path. Generally they are in English and Swedish. Towards evening I arrived at the shelter at Lake Kråksjön. As almost every night I was on my own.

Old log cabin with Bergslagsleden signs

Sod covered log cabin at Youth Hostel in Tivestorp

Lunch at Lake Bosjön

The green hoses are in progress of taking out the water

One of the many Swedish / English information boards at places of interest along Bergslagsleden


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Last updated on 11.12.2022