E1 Sweden     Varberg - Granvik

IIc.7    Section Hindås - Utsikten   25 km


Utsikten                                       25 km

Hindås marks the northern end of Vildmarksleden and southern start of Knalleleden, both being a part of E1. Here is where the Gothenburg triathlon takes place. Knalleleden soon leaves the town and goes back into the wild. Bollebygds Kommune has a map of Knalleleden on the Internet. However it only shows the part within their political area. So both "ends" of the path are missing on the map. Additionally the two shelters of Knalleleden are not shown. I was told that the tourist office at Hindås has a good map of the complete trail in paper form. The path is well marked good to walk. I had lunch at the first shelter at Lake Abborrsjön. In late afternoon I reached the other shelter at Utsikten (Swedish for look-out). There was a great view of Lake Vlaredssjön and further on into the country side.

In addition to many short paths for joggers and skiers the E1 changes from Vildmarksleden to Knalleleden here

Farm near Knalleleden

View from the shelter at Utsikten


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Last updated on 09.12.2022