E9 Poland   Swinemünde / Swinoujscie - Braunsberg / Braniewo

II.11     Section Wittenburg / Bialogora - Klappau / Chlapowo 36 km

Wittenburg / Bialogora

Dembeck / Debki                                   7 km

Karwenhof / Karwia                               7 km

Habichtsberg / Jastrzebia Gora                9 km

Rixhöft / Rozewie                                  1 km

Klappau / Chlapowo                             10 km

From here on I continued with the map from Carto Media. This map shows many walking paths. But none is marked as E9. Upon leaving Wittenburg / Bialogora the path enters the Nature Reserve "Meeresgebiet" (Ocean Area). Until arriving at Dembeck / Debki I followed the path through the forest. Just before arriving at Dembeck / Debki I crossed a bridge across the outlet of Lake Zarnowitzer See. This was the German / Polish border from after the 1st. World war until 1939. The marked E9 leaves the coast into the hinterland and reaches the coast at Putz / Puck again. I wanted to stay at the Baltic Sea coast. So I continued via Karwenhof / Karwia to Habichtsberg / Jastrzebia Gora. The beach became narrower and short of Karwenhof / Karwia major shoreline stabilisations were under way. Before arriving at Habichtsberg / Jastrzebia Gora I left the beach and went up the high cliff. Here several hotels and guesthouses are built up to the cliff edge. Twice the path is interrupted and I had to walk along the Main Street. The following place Rixhöft / Rozewie has another light tower. From the top I had a great view of the Baltic Sea and peninsula Hela. Next to the light tower is a path down to the water edge. Now follows a lengthy stretch on a concrete wall. The wall is made to support the coast line and water was spraying over the top at various places. Then I had to walk on a not so nice beach. The coast line changed direction towards Hela / Hel and Danzig / Gdansk. Passing through the nice canyon of Klappau / Chlapowo I arrived at a cobble stone road with a separate pedestrian path. I selected a small hotel for the night at Klappau / Chlapowo.

East of Wittenburg / Bialogora, View of Nature Reserve "Meeresgebiet"

View of peninsula Hela / Hel from light tower at Habichtsberg / Jastrzebia Gora

Fortified shore between Habichtsberg / Jastrzebia Gora and Klappau / Chlapowo

Canyon Klappau / Chlapowo with view of Baltic Sea

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