Gröna Bandet

1     Section Abisko Fjällstation - Sälka Fjällstuga 69 km

Abisko Fjällstation

Abiskojaure Fjällstuga                 17,0 km

Alesjaure Stugorna                     16,6 km

Tjäktja Fjällstuga                       14,2 km

Sälka Fjällstuga                         21,0 km


The first hiking day started early in the morning with a bus ride from Kiruna. The day before I had flown in via Copenhagen and Stockholm. I spent the night at the hostel in Kiruna. There were only two other hikers with me on the bus. At Abisco Fjällstation I bought Rödsprit (denatured alcohol) for cooking and two small lighters. Before starting I got my obligatory pictures in front of the Fjällstation taken.


Until a few days ago the weather had been very nice and warm, so I was told. But only until a few days ago. Now it was windy, cold and drizzling. I knew the section to Sälka Fjällstuga from previous years quite well. Only in the beginning it is forested. Soon after reaching Abiskojaure Fjellstuga it becomes open fjäll. As there are many hikers along the Kungsleden from Abisko to Nikkaluokta the trail is rather worn out. For lunch I stopped at one of the wind shelters. In this kind of weather otherwise it would have been rather difficult to get my stove started. My first re-supply point was to be the shelter Sälka Fjällstuga. Until getting there it frequently rained; especially during the first night.


When reaching Sälka I got lucky. The sun was shining. I had my lunch break cooking in the sun. Like in past years the store was well stocked allowing me to buy my food for the next leg.


Start of my tour at Abisko Fjällstation


Stormy lake Abiskojaure with plenty of white wave crests

stürmischer See

Long wooden board trail


Rocky and well trotten Kungsleden

steiniger Kungsleden

Emergency shelter Radunjára at Kungsleden

Radunjara Schutzhütte

View of Alesjaurestugorna


Southerly view from Tjälka Pas

Tjälka Pass

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