Helags Fjällstation
Fältjägarstugan 12 km
Klinken 16 km
Längsbrotstugan 25 km
Fjällnäs Hotel 12 km
Tanndalsvalen 5 km
Broktjärnskojan 15 km
Fjällnäs Hotel 13 km
Rogen Fjällstuga 17 km
From here on I knew the trail as I had followed it in the opposite direction while hiking from Grövelsjön to North Cape. New was the supermarket in Hamra. The last time there was only a bill board announcing the to be build store. I stopped for a short break and bought a few food items. Also new was going to Rogen Fjällstuga which is slightly of the trail. Here I bought food for the last time.
Trail across Fjäll
Lunch in one of the shelters along the trail
Morning fog in Valley Tanndals
Reindeer next to the trail on Vätfjället
Upon descending from Rödfjället the trail became rather rocky
Long parts of the trail near Lake Rogen are very rocky
For a change there are some board walk stretches