Norge på langs

12     Section Gjendesheim - Gjendebu 32,8 km


Memurubu                           13,9 km

Gjendebu                             18,9 km


The day before I had decided to take the boat to Memurubu and thereby avoiding the famous and likely rather crowded Trail Besseggen. This trail was made famous by the writer Peer Gynt and seems to be very well known in Norway. My boat left past 10 am giving me plenty of time in the morning. The boat trip was fast and uneventfull. Arriving at Memurubu I stoped at the shelter and bought a cold drink before hiking out. I could see a long line of hikers ascending the mountain to get unto Besseggen. Seeing this I was glad having avoided this part. I started walking into the valley of River Muru. It was a nice, warm and sunny day. I had a glimps of Glacier Muru at the head of the valley.


The trail was easy to hike until I arrived at the point where the trail almost falls of a cliff. Lake Gjende was below me and it looked like I could throw a stone into the water. I started a bit down the slope but then it became too steep for my liking especially as I would not call it a trail. I turned around and took the alternative through Storådalen. This is a far longer trail but something that can be walked. This trail is even mentioned on the DNT webpage as a safer alternative. Later at Gjendebu I met again a hiker I had talked to up where I turned around. He told me the way down was crazy. There are chains as a handrail at some sections to make climbing the trail possible at all. He had needed 2 hours to just get down to the lake.


The trail via Storådalen meant that I only arrived just in time for the second round of dinner at 9 pm. I got a bed in the bunk room and enjoyed the meal.


Boats on Lake Gjende


Hiking along River Memuru

River Memuru

Almost vertical trail down to Lake Gjende and shelter Gjendebu

Lake Gjende

Raindeer near the trail up on Storådalenhøe




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Last updated on 16.02.2023