E1 Germany  Siegen - Frankfurt

IVe.05    Section Montabaur - Dörnberg 37 km


Welschneudorf                   18,0 km

Nassau                              9,6 km

Dörnberg                            9,6 km

To return to E1 I started walking back into the old town. It was cloudy. Today the trail passes through many nice beech forests. Here groups of people where busy cutting wood for their stoves for the next winter. I could hear them from quite a distance. They where busily sawing and splitting pre-cut trees. There where quite some stretches of paved roads. Later in the day the sun started shining. It became warmer not only because of the sun but also because of the loss of elevation the nearer I came to river Lahn in Nassau.

In Welschneudorf I saw the first information's of the World Heritage Site Limes, the Roman wall across parts of today's Germany. Nearby but not adjacent of E1 a short length of palisade walls and a watchtower has been recreated. As I will be following the Limes later during this hike I decided against this side trip. It was warm enough in Nassau to enjoy an ice cream at an ice cafe in the sun. Then I had to cross a gated railway crossing and thereafter river Lahn. The trail followed the other river bank: sometimes near the water, sometimes further away. E1 passes by the still working prior Arnstein. Towards evening I was high above the river. Here I found a quiet spot for the night.

E1 follows this creek


Still bare beech forest

Meadows and forests

Railway crossing in Nassau

River Lahn in Nassau

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