E1 Germany  Siegen - Frankfurt

IVe.06    Section Dörnberg - Michelbach 37 km


Steinsberg                        10,2 km

Schönborn                         8,8 km

Mudershausen                    6,6 km

Michelbach                       11,2 km

During the night the sky was clear and I could see the stars. Also some night active animals could be heard. In the morning fog came up out of the valley. I couldn't see anything in the valley and up here the sun was gone. Soon the sun won and became a really nice and warm day. Today I met for the first time other hikers. It was Sunday. In total I met eight people. One of them was out for the weekend. The trail continues to change from near river elevation to high up above river Lahn. Accordingly the trail went up and down.

Around midday the trail left river Lahn. When arriving in Kettenbach only an ice cafe was open. All other restaurants where closed. So I had a big milkshake. In town the trail passes through factory Passavant. Towards sunset I found a nice and quiet spot in a beech forest. It became the first really warm night and I did not need my down jacket.

E1 in morning fog high above river Lahn

Ravines in a beech forest

Large solitary tree by a road

Remains of priory Bärbach

View of castle Schaumburg

Sunset near Kettenbach

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