E1 Germany  Siegen - Frankfurt

IVe.07    Section Michelbach - Oberreifenbach 35 km


Idstein                         18,0 km

Heftrich                         8,0 km

Schloßborn                     2,3 km

Glashütten                     3,4 km

Oberreifenbach               3,7 km

I had a comfortably warm night. Following my standard breakfast of cereals I moved on. Today the trail is mostly on hard surface. In the morning I had a blue sky. Later clouds moved in with stronger wind and lower temperatures. I stopped for lunch in Idstein. Later in the afternoon a longer section followed the former Limes. Here I could see it's earthen ridge line and even the foundations of a Roman fort.

In Glashütten the E1 passes by a supermarket. Here I could get some drinks. As it became cooler and I had progressed further then planned I decided to spent the night at a hostel at Oberreifenbach. At restaurant Zum Roten Kreuz I left the trail in direction of Oberreifenbach to get to the hostel.

Nice view from E1 early in the morning

These logs will be cut to fire wood

Frame houses in old town of Idstein

Blooming brush at side of trail

The earthen ridges are final remains of Roman Limes from 2nd. century

Glas bench at E1

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