E1 Germany  Frankfurt - Constance

IVf.13     Section Münzesheim - Gaiberg  40,4 km


Odenheim                               7,0 km

Östringen                               8,5 km

Mühlhausen                            4,8 km

Motorway A6                          7,0 km

Gauangelloch                        10,1 km

Gaiberg                                 3,0 km

Today rain started even before I got up. It wasn't strong rain; but rain is rain. I had to start in the rain. In the beginning the trail was petering out in a forest and I had to go cross country. Then I continued on paved forest and farm roads. There were no good views from the trail today. In compensation it was easy to walk and no steep ascents. In Odenheim in a small cafe I first inquired whether I could take a seat with all my wet stuff. It was ok. When leaving I left a well sized puddle in this place. But I was dried out again. During the day I saw several times deer; and quite a few beehives.

E1 follows several deep gullies that had been developed over several hundred years. I stopped in Mühlhausen for lunch. Later I crossed motorway A6. Then I reached Siegfried Spring near Odenheim. It is claimed he was killed here by Hagen. A monk wrote this down and the name Odenheim is mentioned in the legend. In 1932 the spring was enclosed in it's present form with a relief. In the forest short of Gaiberg I found a nice spot for the night. The sleeping back had become slightly damp. It seems I did not pack carefully enough in the morning. Will be a lesson for me and I will be more careful when packing. Of course the boots were wet too. I was missing gaiters. After dinner the rain started again.


Bee hives on E1




Siegfried Spring. Legend claims that Siegfried was killed here.


Harvested fields with cloudy sky

Abgeerntete Felder

Östringen town hall


Goose in a corn field

Gänse im Maisfeld

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