E1 Norway Abisko - North Cape

Ia.5    Section South of Vardancohka - Raod 889   28 km

The day started with a cloudy sky. During the day I had several longer sunny periods. Following a hearty breakfast I started early in the morning. Long stretches of trail followed the reindeer fence. Here is hardly any trail but instead it is cross country walking. The countryside was rather rocky with plenty of grass. Less because of the elevation of maximum 400 meters but rather of the northern location I could see plenty of snow. Near the lakes it was mostly muddy and wet. I had lunch inside the hut Stohpojohla. This reindeer herder hut is directly on the E1.

The hut is rather simply furnished with four bunks. Soon after the trail followed all wheel vehicle tracks. This allowed for much faster hiking. Then I saw for the first time people who where fishing and later passed by with there quad. From the fjell I had some good views of Olderfjord. Towards evening I arrived in a birch tree forest. The trail left the fjell leading towards road 889 which would take me to Russenes tomorrow. I staid in the forest for the night.

View from E1 across country side

weiter Blick

E1 follows reindeer fence along partly frozen lake

teilweise gefrorener See

Trail follows the fence across many rocky sections

steiniger Weg

Somehow the trail crosses to the other side


Reindeer herders emergency hut Stohpojohka


Burned out car wreck near E1 with view of Olderfjord



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Last updated on 12.12.2022