E1 Norway Abisko - North Cape

Ia.11    Section Gasadatjohka - Mollesjohka   28 km

Hiking was easy most of the day as the trail mainly follows four wheel drive tracks. Whenever it went down it became rather boggy and wet. I also had to wade in my Crocks through several creeks. Of course mosquitoes where waiting for hikers. Later in the day the trail became sandy but was still very much hikeable. Twice I met bicycle riders. Some of them where training for a forthcoming mountain race. One group was heading in my direction. Around lunch the sun came out and was shining for the rest of the day.

Finally in late afternoon the trail turned off from the four wheel drive tracks heading through a very boggy and wet section. Here I had difficulty preventing water from coming into my boots. Going carefully of course gave the mosquitoes a chance again. Finally I arrived at Statens Fjellstation Mollesjohka. The cyclists had advised the warden of my coming for the night. This way I got a nice a.y.c.e. warm meal of meat, potatoes and carrots. Next to the station is a thunderous river. In early spring with snow melt the river overflows its bank and the fjellstation is closed as it is staying on an island surrounded by water. Two more people arrived late in the evening. This fjellstation is one of three owned by the Norwegian government. They are mostly used in the winter being a days skiing apart. During the rest of the year the stations are not that much frequented.

E1 follows all terrain tracks along mountain Giellanoaivi

Höhenzug Giellanoaivi

Lake Iesjavri


In low laying sections the trail is rather wet

nasser Weg

Sandy road across Heastabuholza


Statens Fjellstue Mollesjohka

Statens Fjellstiue

Bridge across river coming from Lake Stohpoluoppal



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Last updated on 12.12.2022