E1 Norway Abisko - North Cape

Ia.27    Section Vuomahytta - Altevasshytta   29 km

I got up well before six as I had planned to hike quite a few kilometers today. It became a long day today. When leaving the hut no one had been up yet. With sunshine I had a good view of Lake Vuomajávri with some morning fog. The sun was shining all day long. Following River Geibbajohka with many small lakes the trail went up to the pass. In the beginning the trail was well to hike. But then it became very rocky again. The rock field continued on the other side of the pass. Up here in the rocks I met two English and one Australian hiker.

Well past midday I arrived at Gaskashytta. I stopped for a late lunch. The last part down and the trail going forward could be travelled well again. Wet parts where crossed on wooden planks. Also several bridges where there. The hut is situated in a vacation home colony. I finally arrived around eight thirty; a group of Norwegians staid here. They planned to go by boat to a rented hut on the other lake shore in the morning. They had not finished up their cooked dinner which I was offered. The long hiking day had been worth it.

View of Lake Vuomajávri with morning fog


Nordkalottleden / E1 near Mountain Geibbaluabbalat


Nordkalottleden / E1 crosses these rocks for many kilometers on Fjell Jierdni


Descent into valley of River Fiskløyselva


View of Lake Altevatnet with Salvasskardfjellet


Lake Altevatnet with Salvasskardfjellet



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Last updated on 12.12.2022