E1 Norway Abisko - North Cape

Ia.29    Section Lappjordhytta - Abisko   21 km

The weather had changed over night. It got cold, there was no sunshine and a strong wind was blowing. Until getting to the road the trail passed through forest. Soon I had arrived at the border to Sweden. Here was again a stone marker painted in yellow. Shortly after I arrived at the Swedish hut were I could have staid for free for the night. But this hut did not look very enticing. Along the trail to the road I passed by some hikers including a Swedish family with far too big back packs. Then I was at the road.

From here on I had to walk along the wide open paved road against the strong wind. I came across a rest area with a building providing indoor cover as well as toilets. Following I short break I moved on along the road. For the winter there a long red plastic sticks to mark the banks despite high snow levels. During the snow less time they are mostly broken off. Often only remnants remain sticking out off the ground by an inch. Here and not along the trail from North Cape it happened. I stumbled and crashed onto my left shoulder. The result was a very strong pain. I had to sit down for a while recovering. Then I hiked the remaining few kilometers to Abisko Turiststation. Here I took a room for two nights to take a zero day. Later for dinner I had a nice warm meal at the restaurant.

The SFT Turiststation was really busy. This place is really big with room for several hundred people. In addition I arrived at the start of the annual Fjellräven Klassik. Abisko is the end point of the organised hiking for well over 2.000 contestants. They need between 15 hours and four days depending on whether they are running or walking. During the next few days I met most of them along the trail.

Little lake at Nordkalottleden / E1 shortly before crossing into Sweden

See am E1

Border stone between Norway and Sweden and Lappjordhytta in background


View from Nordkalottleden / E1 across Lake Torneträsk


Swedish hikers cross inlet of Lake Torneträsk on a bridge


Abisko Turiststation with tents for Fjellräven Klassik


Hikers waiting in Abisko for the bus to Kiruna



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Last updated on 12.12.2022