E1 Norway Umbukta - Abisko

Ib.5    Section Krukkistua - Lønsstua   26 km

Until arriving at Saltfjellstua the E1 followed River Bjøllåga. Here is a nice trail often high above the river. Summer had not really arrived here yet. Beginning of August trees that where only hip high started getting their first leaves. Shortly past the hut and having crossed a bridge across the river the trail continued above Lake Søndre Bjøllåvatenet. Then I arrived at an inlet of the lake. Here was I sign warning from wading across the river in case of high water levels. With the continuing strong snow melt the water level of the fast running river was too high. I had to go down along the river towards the lake to find a navigable point. Far downriver a hiker going the other way crossed the river from the other side. We exchanged information about the forthcoming trail. Then I waded across and walked cross country to get back to the trail.

Now I walked across the Saltfjellet. Up hear it became really unpleasant. It not only got colder and colder but a strong drizzle with a strong wind started. Many snowfields and wet and rocky stretches had to be crossed. My feet got wet again. Finally I arrived at the River Giebbnejåhkå. From here on there are two trails. With low water levels it is possible to go straight ahead through the river and later back to this site. With high water levels the trail stays on this site being considerably longer. I had to take the longer trail which was really wet and plenty of snow fields had to be crossed. Once the trail became better I met two Chinese hikers who are currently living in Munich. We had a nice conversation in German. Then I had passed by Lake Kjemåvatnet.

The trail descends partly across rocky stretches to the railway. Finally I arrived at Saltfjellethotell. For this corona year I had no ok from DNT to stay at the nearby located Lønsstua. Therefore I had decided to stay at the hotel. Getting a warm shower would be nice. Unfortunately the hotel was fully booked. The hotel owner was very helpful. I could stay for the night inside the hotels garden house. He provided a camping bed and even a nice cold dinner. And finally he set up two large candles to give me some light. What a service!! Next morning I wanted to take the early train down into the valley to buy food for the next section.

E1 runs high above the River Bjøllåga

Hoch über dem Fluss

Beginning of August these shrubs start greening

Erste Kätzchen

Near Saltsjellstua the River Bjøllåga is crossed on a bridge


This wide, rocky and partly deep river needed to be forded


When high water the River Giebbnejåhkå can not be forded; instead the alternative must be taken

Alternativer Weg

I staid for dinner and the night in this garden house in Lønsdalen outside the hotel

In der Gartenlaube


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Last updated on 13.12.2022