E1 Norway Storlien - Lønsstua

Ic.3    Section Ferslia - Bellingstua 28 km

I head a good breakfast at the hut and re-started my hike of E1 in Norway following my fight with diarrhoea. It started with a forest road before entering a well marked forest lane. Not many people had gone this way lately which meant the grass was pretty high and no real trail visible. I climbed slowly up from last night's shelter through the forest. It became more open and I finally arrived at a shelter. Here another trail coming from the left side merged with E1. Up above tree line it remained boggy. Near hill Boggsteinen I had lunch.

All day the trail varied between acceptable and not being there at all save for the markings. Sunshine lasted until afternoon when it became more and more cloudy. While I was still in the open up in the fjell a thunder storm started. I rushed down into the trees and continued until reaching the road which I had to follow for a while. The tree where not big enough to give me any rain cover worth mentioning. Here at the road the rain really set in and soon I was soaking wet as I had not put on my chaps in time. At Sandvika I turned off onto a side road finally getting some cover. I waited until the rain was over before walking on. The road follows the shores of Lake Innsvatnet before starting to climb up the hill. There are many private cabins in this area. After several kilometers I arrived at the sign indicating the turnoff for Bellingstua.

Arriving after 8 pm I settled in. First thing was getting out off my wet stuff and into some dry clothes. Next thing I started firing up the stove and hung up my clothes. Only then did I start preparing dinner. It tasted good.

E1 starts along this marked forest lane leaving the forest road

E1 verläßt Waldstraße

Trail follows red markings across these soggy wet stretches

E1 führt übers Moor

The E1 has been walked enough to provide this trail


These rocks are the marked E1

E1 auf Felsen

Thunderstorm has ended

Nach dem Gewitter

Stove at Bellingstua



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Last updated on 15.12.2022