E1 Norway Tynset - Meråker

Id.2    Section Langkletten - Hodalen 26 km

I got up early and soon started hiking to Hodalen. The trail continued climbing to pass through between the mountains Stokletten and Langkletten before arriving at the farm Klettsaetra. Soon after I left the main trail to Raudsjödalen to walk to the farm Eidasetra along a little used trail. This cut several kilometers of my hike. Now I climbed gradually in the valley following River Raudsjøåa. Towards evening I passed by Mountain Vanghøa. From up here I could see in sun which had been shining on and off all day long my goal the hamlet Hodalen. When passing by Lake Drengen I saw a small rain bow in the distance. The shower had passed me by. I spent the night in the small DNT-hut in Hodalen.

Trail in the Fjell


Small bridge across creek


Lightly forested Fjell

E1 in Norwegen

View from Fjell into the valley


Plenty of light coloured moss on the Fjell


Down in to valley Hodalen



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Last updated on 13.12.2022