E1 Sweden from Sälen to Storlien

IIa.11 Section Längsbrotstugan - Fältjegarstugan 31 km

After crossing a river on a footbridge I arrived at Längsbrotstugan on the other shore. As I had seen from the emergency shelter I had staid at last night it was in ruins. The interior was completely ripped out and the door was missing. Roof and floor was damaged too. The day started with sunshine. Later some clouds came up. Twice I had to ford a creek. This year being very dry it was very simple and easy to get across. All day long the trail was well maintained and marked and nice to walk. I passed by a reindeer fence set up by the Sami to control their herds.

Before lunch I arrived at a river that was crossed on a bigger bridge. There was a former farm on the other side. The surrounding meadows are still mowed. This way they want to allow plants to grow in the open in these forested areas. Late in the afternoon I arrived at Fältjegarstugan. Quite a number of hiker and fishermen staid there. But there are enough bunks so that I could stay over night. I bought some food which I prepared in the kitchen. Joining others I had my dinner outside at a picnic table in the sun.



Swampy area along Kungsleden


This former farm is maintained as nature reserve and the meadows are regularly cut

ehem. Farm

Kungsleden with one of the emergency shelters in the background


View from Kungsleden


One of the few creeks I had to cross not on a bridge along Kungsleden


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